Alberta Record Population Growth

If you want to know what is currently happening in Alberta, this is the one graph that tells it all - Alberta is BOOMING!

In Q4 2022 the province grew the most it has EVER. Most of these people are international immigrants but about 1/3 are relocated from other provinces (mainly Ontario). Calgary sees the majority of this benefit as the largest city in the province and the most job opportunities.

Calgary is bucking the real estate trend with prices increasing 4.1% in January and February of this year alone (up 11% YoY). Calgary is the ONLY market in Canada where you can buy a pre-construction property that will cash flow from Day 1.

And it's no wonder - this is Economics 101; basic Supply vs Demand.

Calgary is where the GTA was just 15 years ago - you could buy condos for $300k and there was lots of land for expansion. Those days are gone in Toronto and the surrounding area but just starting in Calgary. 15 years from now, I am positive you won't regret your decision!

Let's talk about the best opportunity that fits your investment objectives - get in touch today.

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Canadian Inflation Falls to 5.2%


Calgary Market Report - February 2023