What Is Going On With New Calgary Neighbourhoods

Why is Calgary naming streets in new neighbourhoods like this?

Can you count the number of streets in this new neighbourhood in Calgary that starts with "Carrington" in this picture (here’s a Google Map link).

I see SEVEN:
1) Carrington Blvd
2) Carrington Rise NW
3) Carrington Cres NW
4) Carrington Rd NW
5) Carrington Way NW
6) Carrington Cl NW
7) Carrington Manor NW

I GET IT - you're in the neighbourhood of "Carrington".

This is a very common way to name roads in new communities in Calgary - instead of calling streets different names, they use road classifications to differentiate them! 

I can't imagine trying to navigate a neighbourhood like this - it entirely eliminates the ability to remember streets by name!  Not to mention many of these streets curve back on themselves and literally go all 4 directions: North, South, West and East!! Thank goodness we have GPS today .. my heart goes out to all the Calgary delivery drivers and taxis!

Are there any road planners out there?  Please tell me what is going on here!

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