Innovation Hubs Becoming Common in Calgary

RAM Consulting, a Vancouver-based project and construction management and engineering services firm, has opened an innovation hub in downtown Calgary and expects to grow its Calgary footprint to 200 positions within four years.

The hub will test and develop ideas in infrastructure work and project management, and the company chose Calgary due to its highly educated workforce, affordability, growing economy, and openness to new ideas.

From my perspective, new ideas are essential for any company to stay competitive and relevant in today's fast-paced world. While remote work is becoming more popular, the need for physical locations for innovation hubs remains as they require in-person collaboration to foster creativity.

Think about it this way: if a business sticks to the same old ways of doing things, they will quickly become stale and outdated. In contrast, a company that actively seeks out and implements new ideas is much more likely to thrive and succeed.

Innovation hubs are becoming more common in Calgary, with other companies like Ernst & Young, IBM, and RBC setting up centres in Calgary.

 In the ever-changing landscape of business, new ideas are a must, and this also applies to real estate investing - think outside the box and your local area. Calgary is booming and Imperia Condos is about to launch and is walking distance to each of the innovation hubs in downtown Calgary – an ideal source of quality tenants for your unit.


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