Youngblood Things There’s Always Tomorrow

Youngblood Thinks There's Always Tomorrow

I was listening to Spotify today and “Ghost” by Justin Bieber came on. As much as I hate to admit it – he makes some decent music. Anyways, the song comes on and about halfway through are these lyrics:

“Youngblood thinks there's always tomorrow
I need more time but time can't be borrowed”

I said “Damnit Justin, you’re right!” I’ve delayed investment decisions and waited countless times before making a choice because I wanted to see what happens or I tell myself I’ll invest in the next phase and I have missed some great opportunities. Then as soon as the door shuts closed, I curse myself saying “Why didn’t I do it?!” The majority of times it was the right call and I regret being too cautious.

This goes back to the lyrics, unlike money time can’t be borrowed. You need to jump on the opportunities in life as they are presented – you can’t time the market and you don’t know if another opportunity will be coming. I always say to follow your gut and it usually doesn’t let me down - I recommend you do the same.

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