Alberta Net Migration At Historic Highs, Up 3225%

Alberta Net Migration at Historic Highs

In Q2 2022, Alberta experienced the highest levels of net immigration EVER! In the second quarter of 2022, net migration was 34,883, compared to 1,049 in the same quarter of 2021, an increase of 3,225%. Immigration into Alberta is rapidly increasing since the beginning of this year.

Nationally, net migration was 269,305 in the second quarter of 2022 compared to 81,973 in the same quarter of 2021. Every province except for Saskatchewan experienced positive net immigration and Ontario had the next highest level of immigration growth at 275%.

Immigration into Alberta came from two sources:

  1. Net International Migration: 71.7% (25,026)

  2. Net Interprovincial Migration: 28.3% (9,857)

Immigration to Alberta shows no signs of slowing and I expect it to be strong for the foreseeable future and I expect immigration from other provinces (especially Ontario and BC) to start making up a larger percent of the immigration flow. The majority of new immigrants are going to settle in the big cities: Calgary or Edmonton. This is going to significantly increase demand for housing in those markets.

This is Economics 101: Increased Housing Demand + Limited Housing Supply = Higher Prices

The shift to Alberta is happening Infront of your eyes - this is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to invest on the ground floor so get in touch today.

Here is the data that you can look at for yourself:

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Alberta Just Gifted $3,500,000,000 By OPEC+