Insights, Calgary Kyle Dovigi Insights, Calgary Kyle Dovigi

Record High Activity: Calgary’s Industrial Real Estate Impresses

It’s not just residential real estate that is booming in Calgary - industrial real estate is also having it’s “moment”! Following a COVID-19 pandemic boost, Calgary's industrial real estate market is experiencing record-high activity, which will eventually result in greater job prospects for residents and a rising tax base for the city

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Insights Kyle Dovigi Insights Kyle Dovigi

Celebrating 100 Pre-Construction Deals in Calgary!

Yesterday I celebrated a HUGE milestone - I had my 100th deal in Calgary go firm! This means I have helped 100 clients across Canada to invest in pre-construction properties in Calgary in 2022 alone! I wanted to say thank you to all of my clients who have made this possible.

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Insights Kyle Dovigi Insights Kyle Dovigi

Calgary Rent Prices Up 5.8% In August, 28.3% YoY

Calgary rents just shot up 5.8% in one month for 1 bedrooms and sit 28.3% higher than this time last year. Higher interest rates are keeping people renting who would have bought and increasing immigration is straining the tight rental market. The result > higher rental prices with no end in sight.

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