Calgary Real Estate Outperforming Other Assets … By A MILE!

This is a comparison of the performance of major asset classes VS investing in Calgary Condos from January 1 to Sept 30, 2022:

Asset Class Performance

Calgary Condos have significantly outperformed everything, even "safe havens" like gold that are supposed to perform well during uncertain times in the market.

What you might has missed this though - if you invested $50,000 in a pre-construction condo in Calgary at the start of this year, you would have a gain of $39,900 because that deposit would have gotten you a $500,000 property. You are only required to put down a 10% deposit but you get appreciation on the FULL PURCHASE PRICE.

This turns the 7.96% return into a 79.6% return on your deposit. This is the power of investing in pre-construction condos.

Calgary real estate is outperforming during the worst real estate market the rest of Canada has ever seen. Calgary is booming and Alberta is receiving record immigration internationally and from other provinces.

Now is the time to be investing in Calgary - I think this is a once-in-a-generational opportunity. I have AAA investment opportunities that require as little as $35,000 down for 5 years.

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Alberta Just Gifted $3,500,000,000 By OPEC+


Celebrating 100 Pre-Construction Deals in Calgary!